Be honest. Is your small business prepared for any kind of disaster? If it’s not, then it’s going to be very hard to sustain your business in the long run. As it is, it’s hard enough to sustain business in normal circumstances. What more in an emergency?
Have you really thought about how your business can still run in an emergency situation? Or is closure your only option in such a desperate situation?
When it comes to running a business, the only desperate situation that requires closure is the end of the world or a major natural disaster. Now, if you have backups, your business could still survive a natural disaster. It might take some time but there’s no doubt that your business can still run. After all, you have backups. What if, you don’t?
The thought of backing up your business may not enter your mind at a time when everything is running smoothly. Well, that could get you in trouble. Just because everything is running smoothly doesn’t mean you don’t need to back up your business.
The failure of any piece of hardware or software is inevitable. Your files, emails and databases are continuously under threat by system crashes, data corruption issues, natural disasters, hackers and ransomware. Small businesses frequently overlook the importance of data backups. After all, if everything is working correctly, why do we need backups?
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Your business is not prepared for any kind of disaster if it’s not backed up. You cannot totally rely on the IT structure of your business to protect your data. That’s not enough.
What your business needs is a sound IT strategy.
A well-thought-out IT strategy can identify the best combination of software and hardware providing the highest value to your business.
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There’s no doubt that a sound IT strategy factors in data protection. After all, your business can’t run without data.
So, you really need to come up with a sound IT strategy for your business. If not, the consequences could …